Monday, November 10, 2014


Happy fall all!

I hope the brisk weather is treating you well. Today I am writing a review on this beautiful jacket I customized on

I must disclaim that the jacket was sent to me for review but everything I am about to say is my own opinion and is not mandated by the company. 

I do have to say that I love this jacket and think it's perfect for fall. The black and white pattern is unique compared to the often seen browns and burgundies during this season. The coat is heavy but you definitely need to layer up underneath to keep warm.

The ordering process is one of a dream for everyday consumers like ourselves. The thing that makes so unique is that every thing you order is able to be customized for shape or style. There are the basics as far as height and weight but they also make necklines, sleeve lengths, bottom lengths and much more available to customize as well. 

When I ordered this jacket I was able to put in my height of 5'4" and picked an overall size of 4 seeing how I often shift from 2s-4s depending on the store. It was a little bit wider than expected but at the same time thats what I love about it too. It gives its a very UK, fashion forward, chic feel.

Overall I give this product a thumbs up and an even bigger one to the online shopping experience and highly suggest you check out their website the next time you'e doing some online shopping.

Much love,